Would you like to test on of the leading operational control and fleet management solution for mining in and receive an x diagnosis from our continuous improvement team?


Learn about the three pillars of the Mining Control demonstration that transform mining operational management.

Efficiency in implementation

Generation of immediate value

Progress in partnership

We know the mining reality and our system was designed to work in your favor.

The digital communication between the operation and the control room happens instantaneously.

Our team works side by side with your operation, providing full support for better decision making.

Fast and customized implementation according to your reality;

Definition of the demonstration objectives together;

Training of the technical and operational teams. 

Plug and Play, data collection is immediate;

Access to your own environment, with all the functionalities at your disposal;

View maps, dashboards and reports in real time (web or mobile).

Daily monitoring of operations;

Operational diagnosis, presenting the main operational opportunities;

Proposal of an action plan based on continuous improvement methodologies. 


Learn about the 9 major advantages of Mining Control for mining.

The system is all about collecting and generating efficient data in a robust and automated way. But we know that the intelligence obtained and the decisions guided by this data are just as important.

Therefore, the operational diagnosis performed in the demonstration identifies the bottlenecks in the processes and assists through the creation of operational improvement plans. Check out the biggest advantages of Mining Control:


Fully data driven system, allowing identification of operational opportunities, cost reduction and revenue increase;


Intuitive, easy-to-use interfaces, without giving up the robustness needed to manage your operation;


Real-time information, offering all the support for decision making;


Automated data collection;


Complete solution for operational management with 9 innovative modules;


Agile integration with third-party software;


State-of-the-art technology;


Continuous technological evolution;


Present and personalized technical support.

How does Mining Control transform your operation?


Increase in the physical utilization of the truck fleet, allowing a reduction in the number of pieces of equipment.

1 - Detailing of the Utilization of the fleet, allowing the identification of the main reasons for operational losses;

2 - Analysis of the historical series and identification of improvement opportunities through the central limit theorem;

3 - Application of operational improvements to achieve results. 



Productivity improvements, which make it possible to increase the mine's production capacity.

1 - Analysis of the truck fleet cycles;

2 - Identification of operational bottlenecks in the transportation phase (excess queues);

3 - Resizing of the fleet aiming at a viable reduction in queue time. 

Look at a successful case:



Empty Time

Loaded Time

Loading Queue =

94,7 t/h 

35 t 

6,5 min 

7 min 

3,3 min 

Empty Spotting =

Loading =

Dump Queue =

Loaded Spotting =

Dump =

0,85 min 

2,4 min 

3,3 min 

0,7 min 

1,2 min 

Reduction in Loading Queue time to

2,5 min

Productivity Increase

101,6 t/h 


Identification and management of speeding and unsafe events.

1 - Speed control and collaborative work between mine safety division and control room;

2 - Identification of frequency, intensity and location of unsafe events;

3 - Development of plans to increase operational safety through operator awareness.

Look at a successful case:

Before the awareness actions, there was an average of 173 speeding occurrences per equipment in the week. After the actions, in the following three weeks, the occurrences were reduced to less than 10 per equipment on the week.

The 5 pieces of equipment monitored complied with the allowed maximum speed limit in the following weeks. 


Revolutionary innovation for mining companies.

The Mining Control helps in the operational management of mining companies of all sizes. Check out what some customers say: 

Jóter Siqueira

Mine Operations Manager at Atlantic Nickel

"I met FAST2 Mine at Exposibram 2019 when the will to innovate and do different caught my attention, bringing cutting-edge technology for mining operational management. With this, we made the first partnership in Mineração Vale Verde in Arapiraca and now I am pleased to be able to say that I am part of the largest project of FAST2 Mine in Brazil, in the Santa Rita mine of the Atlantic Nickel company in Itajibá-BA. I am very proud to be part of this partnership and I am sure we will reap fruits never before imaginable."

Avelinno Anthero

Supervisor in mine operations and infrastructure at Mineração Vale Verde

"I was fortunate to meet FAST2 Mine at LIPARI in 2018 and follow the company's solid growth. Besides the quality of FAST2 Mine's products, one of the biggest differentials of the company is the excellent customer service. I feel happy to be a client and partner of FAST2 Mine currently in Vale Verde mining, and to be able to contribute to this story. I am sure that FAST2 Mine will continue growing and delivering a quality service to its customers."

Rodrigo Quartezani Rolim

Mine Engineer Kinross SA

"FAST2Mine has a differential that goes beyond a simple commercial contract because it is a company that transmits reliability in the services provided, besides a high standard service in all sectors involved in the process. Some of the values that are essential to us (in this software segment), are: professional ethics, information security and quality service, and these values, FAST2Mine meets with excellence.”

Thiago Almeida

PET/PSAT Operations Manager Kinross SA

"We started the partnership with FAST2 Mine in 2018 when we were looking for technology that would allow us to improve our processes and operational management. FAST2 Mine understood our demands and served us very satisfactorily, creating a very strong relationship of partnership and trust with Kinross. With the implementation of FAST2 Mine's Mining Control system, we were able to increase the reliability of our data and improve our decision making which resulted in many tangible gains in our operation. Currently we continue to innovate in partnership with FAST2 Mine through the implementation of new modules of the Mining Control system and we will certainly continue to obtain benefits from this partnership."

Karla Faria

Process and Production Analyst at Mineração Herculano

"In order to reduce costs and increase productivity of Mineração Herculano, we have FAST2 Mine as an end-to-end technology where it is possible to manage the entire fleet and mine operation as a whole in real time, enabling decision making in the operation. I thank the entire FAST2 Mine team for their commitment and support. "Every success is the result of great teamwork."

Lucio Cerceau

Mining Engineer and Technical Manager at Minerita Minérios Itaúna LTDA

"I started the work of mine fleet control and management with Fast2Mine in 2015 when everything was in the testing phase and even though it was too early to measure all tangible and intangible gains, they were present and translated into improvements in productivity, utilization and operational performance. Today we have a very robust system that is flexible and adaptable to any mine operation. I really like the phrase "what you don't control you don't manage", and in this aspect the Mining Control software developed by FAST2 Mine exceeds all expectations. I would like to express my thanks to FAST2 Mine for the great work along these almost six years, it is something fantastic to work with Fast2Mine's team, especially for their determination, dedication, care and prompt service.”

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